Yesterday was a really, REALLY tough day. Camille cried all day long and would not sleep. By the end of the day Matt and I were mad at each other and we both did not want to deal with the baby. She made up for her day of horror by sleeping from 9:30pm until 6am, I needed that, and apparently she did too. She woke up in a really good mood and I am hoping today will be a better day. She is doing some new and amazing things, though, she has brought her hands to midline and is aware of them as her own (I think). She just stares at them like they are the neatest toy. She is reaching for things in front of her and trying to bring them to her mouth. I cannot wait for her hands to actually become HER hands that she can control instead of random, flying baby-face smackers. It is funny to watch her try so hard to reach and grab something. She gets so focused that she sticks her tongue out grunts. I keep seeing glimpses of this amazing personality and it is both exciting and scary. She is sooo stubborn and focused and hard sometimes, I can imagine that we are going to have a time taming her temper. It is funny because I do not think that she looks like me much at all, but I can see so much of my personality in her, good and bad. I can honestly say that this week I love my baby, not just because she is my baby and I should love her, but because I love her and excited about being around her....does that make any sense to anyone but me?? My sister-in-law just hit 37 weeks (woohoo Stefanie!!) and I am so excited for her, and I am soooo glad that we are not there anymore. The learning curve is steep, but right now I finally feel like we are getting to a bit of a plateau.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
I love it, flying baby face smackers. If I hadn't watched her so closely I wouldn't know what you were talking about, but now it just makes me laugh. And about 'loving your baby' once you realize it you also realize that it is a love that takes hold of your heart and it is so intense that it scares the beejeevies out of you.
Watch out. Baby face smackers turn into mom hair grabbers (Danger! Danger!). Amen to what Sherry said about the love things. It makes kids really stinking scary.
Hey, being a Mommy is great and scary. Hair grabbing is coming soon!!!! Nicholas grabs Lindsay hair all of the time and she gets so mad at him because she does not understand. Anyways, I started a blog also. I am going to add your site to mine. If that is a problem, let me know.
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